


  【导读】“ 第20届中日韩居住问题国际会议”圆满落幕。为了更好的分享学术成果,近期本公众号将陆续刊载会议论文。本期刊载的是“第2子专题:提升住宅功能品质与居住满意度”中方优秀论文,中文摘要和英文全文如下:


  《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》指出,中国面临城镇化、生态环境、生活方式不断变化带来的新挑战,需要统筹解决事关人民健康的重大长期性问题。“健康”包括身体健康、心理健康和社会健康等诸多方面,其中积极情绪的激活和消极情绪的缓解是获得心理健康效果的关键。影响积极情绪维持的机制极其复杂。对于居住在城市化率超过60%的城市(国家统计局 2021年最新数据)的居民来说,城市建成环境已经成为影响人们心理健康维持的重要因素。但在中国目前的社区建成环境中,城市小微公共空间的建设普遍存在功能单一、用户群体单一、自然环境不佳、设施缺乏人性化考虑、综合性能低等问题,导致人们无法在本应缓解压力、恢复精神状态的户外空间中获得有效的积极情感体验和心理获得价值。社区小微公共空间除了具有审美价值外,更应注重其健康价值和情感价值。特别是后新冠时代,疫情期间居家隔离的居民在生活方式、社交习惯、工作方式、心理状态等方面都发生了较大变化。人们的工作和生活都局限在社区内的一个有限的区域内,小微公共空间对情绪的引导和优化的意义和重要性更加突出。


  研究得出以下结论和成果:(1)面向中国城市空间尺度,简述小微公共空间的广义和狭义概念解析,简述类型划分及研究样本区域典型类型特征。广义来说,小微公共空间是城市公共空间的有机组成部分,具有城市、社会和建筑学属性意义。狭义上,小微公共空间定义是:便捷抵达、服务公众体验、具备积极情感价值特征,规模范围介于≈20至4000m²之间,可细分为3个层次:≈20至400 m² (S级);400至1200 m² (M级);1200m²至4000m² , 具有小规模、系统化、微设计、日常使用等价值属性的空间类型。(2)构建了情感化设计理论视角下的小微公共空间情感分析理论及方法框架。(3)使用斑块密度算法对五 大道地区小微公共空间分布密度和整体空间结构进行测度并横向比对对标城市,得出其结构较为均衡。(4)基于场地小微公共空间布局体系,筛选150个街角空间形成的40个街道衍生型小微公共空间环境为样本案例,根据国内外文献整理,确定小微公共空间环境要素指标体系(共63项),辅以深度访谈。采用主成分分析、因子旋转、问卷访谈等方法对数据进行统计分析,最终确定对于街角衍生型小微公共空间而言,其过渡空间、底层商家和各店前空间、街角建筑特征、透明立面四个因素 是影响人们情绪感受的关键,且重要性依次降低,分别为45.1%、22.5%、18.9%、11.9%。过渡空间是保证行人停留活动发 生和街道生活承载区域的重要条件;底层商家和店前空间是促进并有效改善行人停留的重要影响因素;临街建筑特点影响着行人对转角空间的整体视觉感知,引发一种美好的体验;玻璃门、落地窗、普通窗以商业窗为代表的界面透明度,是为了吸引游客驻足观望;更加统一协调的环境色彩保证了整体环境的和谐感知,但对行人的停驻行为影响比较微弱。(5)运用 Likert五级量表和Emoji-Grid(情绪表达网格)对深度访谈数据进行Valence (愉悦度)和Arousal (激活度)量化图示结果表明,人们对五大道历史街区的整体情感评价基本符合积极的积极情感期望的实际情况。总体来讲五大道这一传统居住社区整体氛 围能够给居住者带来愉悦、祥和、宽敞、干净、安全、活泼、有吸引力的丰富情感体验,且愉悦度和激活度均较高。独特的 街道风格、历史文化底蕴、建筑与自然环境的互补、丰富的城市生活景观深刻影响着人们在小微公共空间以及在城市中的情感感知。




  The outline of the "Healthy China 2030" plan points out that China is facing new challenges brought about by constant changes in urbanization, ecological environment, and lifestyle, and needs to coordinate solutions to major and long-term issues related to people's health. "Health" covers many aspects such as physical health, mental health, and social health, among which the activation of positive emotions and the alleviation of negative emotions are the key to the gain of mental health effects. 

  The mechanism affecting the maintenance of positive emotions is extremely complex. For residents living in cities with an urbanization rate of more than 60% (the latest data of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2021), the urban built environment has become an important factor affecting the maintenance of people's mental health. 

  However, in China's current community-built environment, the construction of SMPSS generally has problems such as single function and user group, poor natural environment, lack of humanized facility design, low comprehensive performance, etc., resulting in people's inability to obtain effective positive emotional experience and psychological gain value in the outdoor space that is supposed to relieve pressure and restore mental state. In addition to its aesthetic value, the community SMPSS should pay more attention to its health value and emotional value. It not only plays a positive healing and health guiding effect on residents who have revealed mental illness, but also effectively prevents and avoids the growth of such diseases among community residents by creating an overall positive emotional atmosphere. Especially in the post-COVID-19 era, residents who have experienced home isolation during the outbreak period have undergone considerable changes in their lifestyle, social habits, work mode and psychological state. People's work and life are confined to a limited area within the community, and the significance and importance of creating and optimizing emotions in SMPSS in communities have become more prominent. 

  A series of negative emotions produced by isolation, such as confusion, sadness, anxiety, and other negative emotions, are causing a social psychological crisis. Faced with the increasing psychological burden of the public, the design industry needs to form new design strategies to meet the changes in the physical and mental needs of the public in the era of epidemic, as well as the physical and mental state of the public. 

  It is of great practical significance to realize systematic cognitive research on multidimensional characteristics of emotion, to achieve accurate optimization of the emotional atmosphere of SMPSS, and thus to activate the emotional value of public space. Facing the urban spatial scale of China, the author of this paper proposes the concept of Urban Small-Micro Public Spaces (SMPSS). Understood from a broad sense, SMPSS is a kind of urban space that depends on buildings, streets, and other urban space background. 

  The spatial category selection is based on the perspective of Human-Scale and Everyday Life. SMPSS is an organic part of urban public space, which has urban, social, and architectural significance. In a narrow sense, SMPSS is defined as: convenient access, convenient public experience and positive value characteristics, the scale range (especially the base size) is from ≈20m2 to ≈4000m2 and can be subdivided into three levels: ≈20 m2 to 400 m2 (S level); 400 m2 to 1200 m2 (M class); 1200 m2 to 4000 m2 (L level, ±10% fluctuation allowed). It has value attributes such as small-scale, systematic, micro-design and daily use(Liu,2020). 

  The goals of emotional design include the emotional of product forms, the emotional of product characteristics and the emotional of operations, covering many disciplines such as ergonomics, design psychology, aesthetics, economics, and statistics. Emotional design appeared for the first time in the book "Emotional Design" by American psychologist Donald Arthur Norman, marking the research of emotional design from behind the scenes to the front stage(Norman, 2005). From the perspective of psychology, the expression of emotions in product design is analyzed to achieve the perfect combination of product shape and practicality, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the large number of subsequent design cases.

  Emotional design is to intervene in the entire design process from the perspective of emotion, which is mainly reflected in how to achieve high-quality and excellent design through the dismantling of emotional levels, the creation of emotions, and the implantation of emotions. Based on the user-centered design theory and practical methods, establish how designers understand the user's habits, establish user models through design survey methods from a psychological perspective, draw improvements and errors, establish design models that conform to the user's mental model, and refine emotions The pinning point is applied to the actual design operation(Khalid & Helander, 2006). 

  Firstly, this article will briefly describe the emotional design theory system of SMPSS, and then put forward empirical research ideas and quantitative tools for emotional design methods that respond to different urban scales, especially the middle-level block scale, based on their meaning and emotional hierarchy correspondence. The construction background and the construction of small-micro public spaces in the five avenues of Tianjin, China are introduced in detail. Sections 4, 5, and 6 evaluate the macro distribution characteristics of SMPSS in the area and focus on analyzing street-derived small- micro public spaces. Spatial type identification and quantitative analysis of microscopic material morphological elements and the final descriptive statistical analysis based on questionnaire interviews and Emoji-grid, mining material elements for the use of emotional appeals in the five avenues area, current planning, and design, put forward control strategy guidelines around the discovered problems.


  Analysis of the Emotional Design Theory of Small -Micro Public Spaces

  2.1. Emotional design translation in the design of Small- Micro public spaces

  The behavioral requirements of different people have different material requirements for the space, and there are also different cultural customs and special requirements for personal experience. People's discovery, understanding and utilization of environmental objects always follow from the surface to the inside, from exploration to experience, from accidental perception to habitual behavior, and ultimately form a consensus and emotional cognitive foundation to build the memory before the next cognitive Inventory, such a development process. Emotions can be understood as the maintenance or change of a certain relationship between people and the environment. When objective things or situations meet people's needs and desires, they will arouse people's positive and affirmative emotions; when they do not meet, they will cause people's negative and negative emotions. The complex and diverse needs of human beings determine the diversity of object value attributes required by human beings. The satisfaction of the pursuit of object value includes not only the satisfaction of human material needs, but also the emotional and intellectual needs of human beings(McDonagh-Philp & Lebbon,2000).

  Initially, small, and micro public spaces need to meet the basic production and living requirements of people such as outdoor rest, stay, and assembly, and emphasize the pursuit of "external value". With the continuous advancement of the industrialization process of human society, the productivity has been greatly improved and the material foundation necessary for social development is extremely rich. People’s desire for satisfying spiritual pursuits is becoming stronger and stronger. Small and micro public spaces are ensuring and satisfying people’s basic use needs. On the basis, it can meet the psychological and spiritual needs of people through its own elaborate design and amendments that are more closely to the humanized auxiliary functions, and enhance aesthetic significance, aesthetic value, social fairness, and equality. This is just like the phenomenon of emotional pursuit of products in the field of industrial design in advance. When a certain basic use function is satisfied, it turns to a higher level of spiritual pursuit.

  It is difficult to translate the three levels in product use into space. There is a big gap in the concept of scale when comparing space to an object. However, compared to products, people's tendency to use space is actually concentrate in one or two of them, and there will not be a lot of complicated tendencies to appeal. This is an advantage and particularity when sorting out the emotional needs of space.

  2.2. Three-level system: instinct, use and reflection for emotional design.

  The immediate emotions and feelings that instinctively focus on are the evaluation of the present; the behavioral level focuses on the behavioral process, which is the evaluation of actions and action effects; the design of the reflection level is about long-term relationships, looking back at the past or thinking about the future, and is the display and use of relationships or a sense of identity, satisfaction, achievement, etc. caused by possession. These three stages are not cut apart. There are still many complicated connections between the three levels. Some emotions can appear on the three levels in succession, and sometimes even at the same time.

  Simple and unique space modeling, harmonious color matching with the surrounding environment or unified or contrasting styles, and high-quality sense of the combination of materials. These uniquely designed visual stimuli make the nervous system and the nervous system awaken simultaneously. Activating and producing a better aesthetic experience is the first impression of a space. The judging criteria may come from the user's previous growth background, but also include the user's own aesthetic style and life experience. The main influencing factor is the visual form design of the main interface of the public space in the direction of people flow, which is the embodiment of a specific physical form and the expression of the internal structure of the form. The intuitive form of space can directly stimulate people's visual experience and stimulate people's spatial thinking and consciousness(Laird, 1974; Mavros, 2011).

  The well-designed space function should be consistent with the expected goal. The overall level of space function control and coordination also has specific use functions provided by leisure facilities. The level of use of the product and the level of use of the space are different, the latter contains a richer level of content. The product has a rich feedback mechanism and feedback system, and certain settings should be properly given in the space to give people opinions and increase the richness of the experience. From a systemic perspective of space, small and micro public spaces distributed in different neighborhoods have different emphasis on functions and functions. As far as each independent public space is concerned, independent functions cannot effectively meet the overall use behavior of the space, and it is necessary to focus on the integration of a series of space elements to achieve the ultimate goals. The most important space is oriented to people's behavioral experience. The emotional appeal at the use level is biased towards the operational experience process, allowing users to be inadvertently drawn by design to achieve the transmission and penetration of emotion through the extension of behavior.

  Corresponding to the reflection level of the small and micro public space, the emotional appeal has two dimensions: the user understands the history and cultural emotion of the space entrusted by the designer; and the deep impression that is recalled when the subsequent experience of the space experience, this impression It is not an instinctive level of understanding, but more from the use of experience and reflection. 

  It is a high-level aesthetic process that rises to the connotation level. On the one hand, the reflection level is the thinking and emotional appeal caused by the emotional tone established by the historical context of the area where the public space is located. On the other hand, it is the humanistic care touch and beyond use brought by the refined design of the public space itself. The hierarchical space design gives people the touch and can stay in people's memory more continuously. Small and micro public spaces can profoundly influence people's experience through their own space design and can also rely on the regional background of the place, such as historical and cultural blocks, community co-construction and urban precincts, and so on. A deep reflection level of emotional interaction can allow users to join the design work, and a greater sense of participation will be more conducive to the resonance of thoughts, forming emotional dependence and links, which is also the key purpose of design emotional(Liu, 2020). 


  Emotional design method system for small-micro public spaces 

  3.1. Emotional design at the scale of historical blocks

  The meso-scale blocks or historical blocks are distinguished as a unified whole from the surrounding urban background environment. The independent and complete style and appearance bring specific life to the area, aiming at the local small and micro public spaces in the meso-scale area The characteristics of accessibility and type distribution, as well as the emotional demands specific to the internal behavior experience level of each venue are different from the style and characteristics of the large scale of the new district. If the block is also a historical block that carries the cultural and historical background of the city, then this area as a special urban symbol will have a special emotional background and tone, which can inspire us to focus on the microscopic space of the block level and explore possible the factors that affect your emotions.

  3.2. Emotional design and quantification method in historical block research area 

  The mesoscale samples represented by historical blocks are mainly characterized by a well-planned pedestrian street network and a pleasant urban space atmosphere. The attachment of small and micro public spaces to streets and buildings is more prominent. The accessibility of the street itself and the micro-morphological elements of the building’s near-human scale have a special impact on the emotional experience of small and micro public spaces.

  Therefore, the use of spatial syntax to achieve quantitative combing of street access has become an important basic link, while the identification and screening of micro-spatial morphological elements adopt traditional spatial research methods: in-depth questionnaire surveys, detailed records of a large number of street corner building index elements and the later statistical methods are used in conjunction with data analysis. The focus of the focus is on the factors affecting the use of emotional appeals in the use of small and micro public spaces, and it is in accordance with the subdivision and disassembly of emotional levels in the construction of the theoretical system. 

  The impact mechanism of emotional appeal elements at the use level is complex. Factor elements need to be extracted from many indicators, combined with the observation of the use behavior type and the number of users of street-derived types of small and micro public spaces. The key factor elements and their behavior data. The two performs a secondary correlation analysis to further read the boundary morphological factors that affect spatial emotions. Finally, with the help of EmojiGrid (emotional expression grid) to achieve a clear two-dimensional presentation of emotions, based on traditional research methods to graphically express the content of the questionnaire survey, so that the emotional design of small and micro public spaces in historical streets is more accurate and accurate(Toet & van Erp, 2019).

  The comprehensive use of multiple methods provides reliable data analysis and accumulation for the emotional design and micro update direction of small and micro public spaces in historical blocks and corresponds to the local missing phenomenon of emotional experience and key element indicators found in the research process based on the research results. Improve the integrity and deduce the strategic control guidelines.


  About the Five Avenues Historic District 

  4.1. Regional overview and construction conditions of Small- Micro public spaces

  Since the British occupied the first concession in Tianjin in 1860, France, the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, and Belgium have occupied their respective concessions on the banks of the Haihe River. The historic district of Tianjin Five Avenue was originally part of the northwest area of the British Concession and was built in 1901. In 1917, according to the planning and construction of the suburbs of the British Garden, it basically took shape and continued to develop in the late 1930s and took shape in early 1935. In the late 1980s, the Tianjin Municipal Government began to initiate protection and environmental remediation. In 1994, it prepared the "Planning Management and Protection Plan of the Five Avenues", and then completed the "Planning Regulation of the Five Avenues in Tianjin". In 2005, it was designated as Tianjin 14 It is one of the historical and cultural blocks in the film. It was selected as the National Famous Historical and Cultural Street in 2010. In 2013, the "Tianjin Wudao Historical Block Protection Plan" was promulgated and implemented.

  Its scope mainly includes areas east of Xikang Road, west of Nanjing Road, north of Racecourse Road, south of Chengdu Road, and south of Yueyang Road. The overall area is about 1.41 square kilometers, and the core area is about 1.28 square kilometers (Zhu, 2003).

  The public space system in the Five Avenues area includes: three large public spaces and the large number of small -micro public spaces. The functional types include recreational, residential, transportation, work, and commercial ( Figure 1 ). This study focuses on recreational small and micro public spaces under public property rights. This type can be subdivided into two sub-types: street-side green belted open spaces and pocket parks. The distribution law shows that the west side area is more than the east side area, and the south side area is more than the north side area. The individual's spatial form is mainly dot-shaped, band-shaped, and fan-shaped, and it is mostly distributed at street intersections, street sides, etc. The form exists and plays a role in connecting the local space walking system. The elements of the space include themed sculptures, carriages, monuments, walking trails, rest seats, steps, corridors, bushes, lawns, signage signs, trash cans, substations, etc.

  Figure 1 : General survey on the distribution of small - micro public spaces in the Five Avenues Historic District and the distribution of important large public spaces

  4.2. Distribution conditions of small-micro public spaces

  At the macro level, we first recognize the density and distribution uniformity of small and micro public spaces. With the help of landscape ecology research methods, the landscape pattern includes the diversity and spatial configuration of landscape components, focusing on studying the formation, dynamics, and ecology of spatial patterns .

  The relationship between the learning process(Nadal, 2000). The study of landscape structure is firstly to investigate the spatial form and distribution of individual units. In terms of urban pattern, buildings, streets, and block-shaped urban space are the urban texture units that form spatial structure[10][11] .

  In this study, SMPSS is regarded as block-shaped, planar, and point-shaped urban space with the attributes of public life. Patch density is a quantitative index used to measure the number of patches of a certain landscape type in the unit area, and to measure the number of urban SMPSS in the unit area of the plot, namely, the density of small and micro public Spaces.

  The study of landscape structure begins with an investigation of the spatial form and distribution of individual units. Use PD=10000×100 (Ni/A) PD>0 and Formula 1.

  Ni is the total number of patches of landscape type i, and A is the total area of the landscape. 

  Next, in order to study the uniformity of distribution of SMPSS in the city, the clustering index calculation method in statistics is adopted. Clustering index is one of the most commonly used measurement indicators in spatial analysis, reflecting the concentration degree of spatial distribution. The clustering index J can be calculated using the nearest aggregation:


  ri is the average distance between the nearest points, re is the theoretical closest distance, and D is the point density. A is the area and n is the number of SMPSS. When the J value is about small, it indicates that the spatial entity is more concentrated in the regional distribution, and vice versa. 

  Moreover, it is meaningless to calculate the PD value and J value of a certain area alone[12]. In this paper, three blocks in Barcelona, which are famous for small-scale public space construction planning, are selected for horizontal comparison.

  In one master thesis research in 2013, Zhang Ruijie used clustering index and patch density algorithm to conduct mathematical statistical analysis, and also provided comparative data(Zhang, 2013).

  Based on the analysis of the distribution of small and micro public spaces, the area A of the Five Avenues area is 145,8750㎡, and the number n of small and micro public spaces is 164. Bringing in formula 1 leads to PD=10000*100(N/A)=112.425 . r1=72.5925 (the average value of 85 groups of distances is selected to ensure that two or two public spaces within the block can be connected, and large public spaces can often be connected to multiple small and micro public spaces), which is obtained by formula 2 and J= 1.54 Values (Table 1).

  The Fifth Avenue area also has the characteristics of the Citutat Vella area with 2-3 core large-scale public spaces and the Eixample area with the characteristics of more strip-shaped public spaces along the street. 

  The PD value is also quite similar to the Citutat Vella area because it is positively correlated with the N/A value. In summary, the distribution density and overall spatial structure of the public space in the Five Avenues area are relatively well-balanced.

  Table 1 : Comparison of PD and J values for SMPS in the Five Avenues area and in the three areas of Barcelona



  5.1. Street-derived small - micro public space type

  Based on the analysis of the current situation of the construction of small and micro public spaces based on 4.2 and the author's previous classification of small and micro public spaces, the focus is on the identification and determination of street-derived small and micro public spaces.

  Comprehensively analyze all the 72 street corners in the 5th Avenue area, conduct a statistical analysis of the number of road junctions to form a macro-cognition of the nature of the street, and then combine the analysis of the small and micro public spaces on the street in the map to further filter out the adjacent corner squares and corner parks Street corner space, and then according to the principle of street corner space formation area analysis, coordinating into five small research areas to form a regional recognition of small and micro public spaces, street-derived key types, and determining forty street corners and five key areas (Figure 2 to 5).

  5.2 Arrangement of indexes of Microscopic Spatial Form Elements in Small-Micro Public Spaces

  The exterior wall of the building has openings that are different from the simple walls and doors and windows. The interior and exterior of the house communicate and the atmosphere of life overflows into the street. The determination of the micro-corner space environmental element index is based on the arrangement of elements in the existing street corner space in the Wudao area. The second is the definition and inclusion of the micro-environment elements based on relevant literature. Analysis of environmental characteristics[14] (Figures 8 and 9, Table 2).

  Table2: Index system of environmental elements at microscopic in street corner space

  The data is based on the statistics of the micro-corner space environmental element index system for 40 street corners for 150 street corner buildings and 80 in-depth interview questionnaires for 40 street corners (Table 3).

  Table 3: Descriptive statistics values at all measurement point

  5.3. Data acquisition, data statistics and descriptive analysis

  Replacing independent elements with environmental element combinations can more clearly identify the relationship between the multiple micro-built environments in historical blocks and tourist behavior, as well as the systematic and interlocking effects seen in built environment elements, using SPSS 22.0 (statistical product service solutions software) Principal component analysis of the cumulative assignment of micro-material environmental elements. Since the KMO value of the selected 65 indicators is relatively low, only 0.529, so further correlation tests are performed to exclude those that are not highly correlated with other variables. Variable elements, and then manually select the variables that interfere with the combination of built-in environmental elements to obtain the following 15 variables: glass doors, floor-to-ceiling windows, ordinary windows, commercial windows, own color contrast, color diversity, environmental color contrast, and bottom merchants- Shop souvenir pharmacies, etc., seats, shop signs, ground elevation, gray space, glass interface, facade rhythm, street corner building corner elevation, etc.: KMO is worth 0.746, the companion rate is 0.000, the test passes, and the variables explain the total variance Based on this, six components with eigenvalues greater than 1 are determined as the main components to represent most of the information, and the cumulative contribution rate reaches 64.984%, which is further rotated by molecules, as shown in Table 4 to Table 8.

  Calculate the intensity of the citizens' staying behavior caused by the building units on each street corner as the dependent variable and use the four rotating principal components of the built environment elements as independent variables to construct a multiple linear regression equation Y=b0+b1X1+b2X2+b3X3+b4X4+b5X5. The contribution rate of the rotating principal component (that is, the combination of microscopic material elements) to the behavior of tourists The regression results are shown in Table 7-10 and Table 7-11. The five independent variables all passed the significance test (P<=0.05). ) It can be seen that the relative contribution rates of principal components 1 to 5 to the behavior intensity of tourists are 11.9%, 1.6%, 22.5%, 45.1%, and 18.9%, respectively. Therefore, it is the transition space, the bottom business, and the space in front of the store, the architectural characteristics of the street front, the permeability of the interface and the influence of the environmental color in turn.

  Table 4: Correlation test of 65 index factors

  Table 5: Correlation test of 15 index factors after screening

  Table 6: Interpretation factors explain variance

  Table 7: Rotation component matrix

  Calculate the intensity of the citizens' staying behavior caused by the building units on each street corner as the dependent variable and use the four rotating principal components of the built environment elements as independent variables to construct a multiple linear regression equation Y=b0+b1X1+b2X2+b3X3+b4X4+b5X5. The contribution rate of the rotating principal component (that is, the combination of microscopic material elements) to the behavior of tourists The regression results are shown in Table 7-10 and Table 7-11. The five independent variables all passed the significance test (P<=0.05). ) It can be seen that the relative contribution rates of principal components 1 to 5 to the behavior intensity of tourists are 11.9%, 1.6%, 22.5%, 45.1%, and 18.9%, respectively. Therefore, it is the transition space, the bottom business, and the space in front of the store, the architectural characteristics of the street front, the permeability of the interface and the influence of the environmental color in turn.

  Table 8: Analysis of the contribution rate of the rotation factor

  5.4. Determination of the index of microscopic material morphological elements influencing spatial emotional experience

  [1] The transitional space is an important condition for ensuring pedestrian stopping activities and a bearing area for street life.

  The gray space is mainly dominated by the ground floor commerce of the Minyuan Stadium in the Five Avenues area.   It is also the place with the most crowds, which is in line with the actual situation and has become an important container for carrying street activities and staying behaviors.The ground lifting also strengthens the distinction between the height difference, paving, and color between the street and the building interface, the roadway, and enhances the perception of the place. 

  [2] The bottom merchant and the space in front of the store are important influencing factors to promote and effectively improve pedestrian stay.

  As an important cultural and tourist resort in Tianjin, the Five Avenues area has shops, souvenirs and other characteristic shops facing tourists, as well as pharmacies, kiosks, express supermarkets, and other daily shops that serve the local residents. It is extremely easy for pedestrians to stay in front of shops, conduct business activities, and meet and chat. The seats at the door as street furniture further bond pedestrian behavior, which can carry out activities such as rest and chat, effectively increasing the parking time. The shop signboard is attractive in terms of the visual impact of the building as a whole. Its own font design, color matching, and emphasis on the store content.

  [3] The architectural features of the street affect the pedestrian's overall visual perception of the street corner space, triggering a beautiful experience.

  The partial elevation of the corner of the street corner building and the rhythm of the facade change. One is to focus on the local characteristics of the corner area, but the overall recognition of the street corner building. Combined with the gathering of historical style buildings in the Five Avenues area, many buildings are exquisite and unique in terms of facade legs, cornices, door, and window forms, carving details, comparison of Chinese and Western architectural styles, etc. The architectural facade design and the overall shape of the building  has a more anchoring effect on the residence of pedestrians.

  [4] The transparency of the interface represented by glass doors, floor-to-ceiling windows, ordinary windows and commercial windows is to attract tourists to stop and watch.

  This component reflects the subjectivity with the elements of an open business interface, which greatly enhances the transparency of the bottom facade along the street and stands out among the many closed interfaces on the Five Avenues that are mainly fences and railings, but the impact value of this main component is not high. The reason is that many commercial buildings with a large area of transparent interface are mostly concentrated in the edge area of the core area of the Five Avenues. The parking behavior in front of the door has occupied most of the pedestrian space. The actual number of people staying is not large, and some businesses have closed down. The area in front of the store becomes a temporary and permanent parking lot. 

  [5] The more uniform and coordinated environment colors ensure the overall harmonious environment perception and have a very weak influence on pedestrians' stopping behavior.

  The environmental color elements represented by its own color contrast, color diversity, and environmental color contrast have the weakest effect on tourists' staying behavior. Thanks to the previous unified style planning of the Five Avenues area, the effect is better in terms of building color, material matching, overall design of the natural environment and coordination with the building.

  People are naturally attracted to places that provide rich details and interesting features, including the ability to participate in architectural activities. A pedestrian street study in Copenhagen found that the level of activity in front of the open walls of open buildings is much higher than that of closed walls.

  5.5. Quantification of emotional data based on questionnaire interviews and Emojigrid

  Counting the distribution of 40 different street corner questionnaires like the Likert five-level scale in different values of feeling evaluation, overall, the number of positive evaluations with a score of 0 or above accounted for 80%, reflecting the respondents It is considered that the overall atmosphere of the Five Avenues area is pleasant, peaceful, spacious, clean, safe, lively, and attractive. The street scene is also interesting, with a lively atmosphere, and sufficient greenery. Among them, the highest score is for pleasant and clean environment. The vertical line with the most prominent negative evaluation indicates that the number of seats is insufficient, and the evaluation is -1 points the most, followed by a higher ratio of -2, which reflects the uncomfortable seating of the seats and the substation on the street. The box affects the walking experience. Corresponding to the sum of the individual ratings of 40 street corners, it can be seen that the overall evaluation of the street presents a positive evaluation. Only the negative evaluation of individual streets is higher, and it is placed on the map. It can be more intuitive to show that the 40 street corners are smaller. The sentiment evaluation value of the micro public space is high and low. The values near Minyuan Square and Xiannong Courtyard are average and show positive emotions(Figure 6 and 7). 

  Figure 6: Likert scale data presentation 1            

  Figure 7: Likert scale data presentation 2

  The northwest border of Minyuan Square is near Chongqing Road and Hengyang Road, which has a higher value. The view is wide, and people, vehicles, pedestrians, and activities are more abundant. The peak of the landscape evaluation appears at the corner of the northeast street of Munan Garden, which is the same distance from the east entrance and north entrance of Munan Park. Across the street is Yueyang Dao Primary School and Sun’s Old Residence. The representative public space and the comfortable block scale are integrated into one space(Figure 8).

  Figure 8 :  Emotional Evaluation Assignment of 40 Street Corners in the Five Avenues Area

  Through the transformation of Likert scale and Emojigrid, two-dimensional intuitive perception of emotional activation and valence is realized, focusing on the high activation and high valence interval in the first quadrant dimension, at the peak. The extreme value interval is not as good as the distribution of intermediate activation and intermediate equivalence(Figure 9). People's overall emotional evaluation of the Wudao historical block is basically in line with positive positive emotional expectations and actual conditions. Its own unique street style, historical and cultural background, the complementarity of architecture and the natural environment and the rich urban life landscape have a profound impact on people's emotional perception.

  Figure 9 : Result showing using Emoji-grid.



  The more special historical block of Tianjin’s Five Avenues is selected. One is its special and profound historical background, cultural background, and regional background, so that people who enter the area bring a strong historical memory, cultural respect, and era Lamentation, admiration and pride in retrospect and past years. The unique planning design and architectural features of the block and the carefully designed external environment design all face and properly reflect the more prominent spatial behavior experience and the representation of emotional appeal at the level of use, and well reflect the material form elements received by the non-material spirit. The details produced under the influence of morphological elements determine the thought and the final presentation of spatial morphology. Therefore, the focus of this chapter is through the combination and comprehensive use of multiple methods, using classic data statistics and questionnaire surveys, social observation, and the presentation of dimensions supplemented by emotional symbols and expressions to express statistical data in a clearer way, while space. The syntactic application of measurement and analysis at different scales and objects and the comparison and correction of actual observed objects also contradict the specific environmental attributes of the site where the SMPSS are located. Further screening to identify the key factors influencing the overall emotional impact of SMPSS in the Five Avenues area. And on this basis, put forward the principle of light intervention (based on the basic ideas of the construction of the existing public space of the Five Avenues, using the minimum engineering amount, the minimum change action and the maximum effect as the criteria, and accurately respond to the key material form elements of the SMPSS Change and upgrade); refined design principles (refined design pays attention to the detailed design of every human scale in the SMPSS, the index range and determination of each element, the quality of the design directly determines the use level perception of emotional design Experience is crucial to the formation of positive and positive emotional experience); the principle of wisdom (emphasis on the use-level value of emotional design, providing intelligent assistance, safe maintenance, life boundaries and environmental intelligent services. Encouragement in the construction of small and micro public spaces Integrating smart ideas, technologies, and facilities, applying smart management methods and new materials to improve the safety and governance of SMPSS, as well as the convenience and comfort of space use, help to enhance the charm of SMPSS and inspire people to explore and In-depth cognitive space positive consciousness) and other three-point control strategy guidelines.



  The article reports the results of an empirical study on emotional design of SMPS in the Five Avenues Historic District Tianjin. Through the above research, we can realize the recognition of the distribution law of small and micro public spaces in the historic district of WUDADAO in Tianjin and focus on the targeted research on the type of street-derived small and micro public spaces and expand its microcosm on the basis of the generation rules and characteristics of this type. Sorting out the indicators of material form elements, using principal component analysis, factor rotation, questionnaire interviews, etc. to achieve statistical analysis of the data, and clarifying the four micro material form element indicators that affect the spatial emotional experience, respectively, the transition space is an important condition to ensure the occurrence of pedestrian stay activities. 

  And the bearing area of street life; the bottom merchants and the space in front of the store are important influencing factors to promote and effectively improve the pedestrian stay; the characteristics of the street-side architecture affect the pedestrian's overall visual perception of the corner space, triggering a beautiful experience; glass doors, floor-to-ceiling windows, and ordinary windows The transparency of the interface represented by commercial windows is to attract tourists to stop and wait and see; the more uniform and coordinated environment colors ensure the overall harmonious environmental perception and have a very weak impact on pedestrians' stop and stop behavior. 

  Finally, with the help of questionnaire interviews, the Likert five-level scale and Emoji-Grid (emotional expression grid) were used to quantify the emotional data. The conclusion shows that people’s overall emotional evaluation of the WUDADAO historical district basically conforms to positive emotional expectations and actual conditions. Its own unique street style, historical and cultural heritage, the complement of architecture and natural environment, and the rich urban life landscape have profoundly affected people's emotional perception.


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  候  薇,河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院讲师

  舒  平,河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院书记、教授、通讯作者
